Had a great time shooting some senior portraits with Alex yesterday. We had discussed doing an urban decay theme a little while back, and with the gorgeous weather yesterday, we finally had our chance.
And while we took care to make sure that no Alex's were harmed during the

making of these photographs, I managed to step into a hole in the floor where a heat register once was and fall in up to my knee. Later on I stepped on a nail (note to self: boots, boots, boots!). And tragically, one of my lighting umbrellas also did not survive our little adventure. But hey...all in a day's work!
Now, let's face it...for a lot of people having their photos taken by a professional photographer can seem to be an awkward proposition, as they are not used to being a model. That's why I have found that it's very important to get to know a little about my clients first. Choosing the right environment to shoot is a crucial step in creating great portraits because it really helps to bring my client's personality shining through in those photos.
If you've got spring fever like I do and are interested in some on-location portraits, give me a ring or drop me an email today.

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