This week four of us went on a whirlwind road trip. By the time we had returned home, we had driven over 3,000 miles in the course of 72 hours for shoots in Colorado and Utah.

The first stop was just outside of Colorado Springs for a tour of the U.S. Air Force Academy. The facility and the sounding landscape had a stunningly majestic feel to them that is hard for me to describe. But since I take photos, hopefully I can pass some of that feeling along through a few of them.

The final two images below are panoramas. Please click on the images to see them large. I promise it's worth it.

It was great to be able to visit the USAFA on Memorial Day, and we could not have asked for better weather. But since this was a whirlwind trip, we had other places we needed to be, and so off we went. Specifically to a dinosaur dig in Utah. More on that soon...
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