Sunday, April 22, 2012

Defending Dandelions

I have a good friend who teases me sometimes about my yard work skills, or lack thereof, to be more precise. "You have got to do something about those weeds in your yard!" he'll say.

"I don't have any weeds in my yard." I'll usually reply to him with a grin, "I just have lots of little yellow flowers."

Well due to the early spring those little yellow flowers had already overtaken my yard and their golden glow had turned to milky white. And so this weekend it was finally time to do something. And so we did. We played in them. Here's a little glimpse of the adventure.

Now, I don't begrudge anyone who chooses to  wage war on dandelions and fight that never ending battle. I'm not even saying that my laissez-faire attitude towards my yard being returned to the wild is a good one.  All I know is that while some of you are sweating, cursing, and fighting the good fight...some of us will be out enjoying the flowers.

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